Our Office in Lyme, NH

Our Office

Established 1980

Randall T. Mudge & Associates is a team-oriented architectural firm committed to interpreting clients’ goals, budgets, and schedules into successful architectural forms.  We view each project as a significant addition to the built environment and give it the care, thought, and respect required of any creative act.

Using a team approach in combination with a traditional design process we provide superior architectural services to our clients who are viewed as primary members of the design team.  We are attentive listeners. We depend on the client to provide us with feedback ‑ both positive and negative ‑ relating to any proposals we may submit for design solutions. Our primary goal is to produce beautiful buildings within defined budgets which fulfill the needs of specific sites and programs.

We have distinguished ourselves as designers of buildings with broad public appeal, tangible value, and professional recognition for design excellence. We enjoy designing buildings, and believe well-designed buildings are a positive addition to the community.

Randall T. Mudge, AIA
M. Arch. – Yale University
B. Arch.- Montana State University
B.A. – University of New Hampshire
Registered Architect: New Hampshire, Vermont

Jeremy W. Greeley, AIA
B. Arch. – Norwich University
Registered Architect: New Hampshire, Vermont

William F. Mudge, AIA
M. Arch. – Yale University
B.A. – Skidmore College
Registered Architect: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut

Contact Us

85 Dartmouth College Highway Lyme New Hampshire 03768

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